Transcriptions for all oral histories from the Michigan Political Historical Society archives.

Glenn S. Allen, Court of Appeals Judge

Dennis W. Archer, Detroit Mayor

Bill Ballenger, Michigan Political Pundit

James J. Blanchard, Governor of Michigan

Irving Bluestone, Vice President UAW

Dennis O. Cawthorne, House GOP Leader

John D. Cherry, Jr., Former Lt. Governor of Michigan

Thomas J. Cleary, Founder, Michigan Legislative Consultants

Francis J. Coomes, Catholic Conference Director

Bobby Crim, House Speaker

Robert Danhof, Court of Appeals Judge

John D. Dingell, U.S. Congressman

Tom Downs, Attorney

John Engler, Governor of Michigan

Peter B. Fletcher, GOP Committeeman

Douglas Fraser, President UAW

Roman Gribbs, Detroit Mayor

Robert P. Griffin, U. S. Senator

Adelaide Hart, Democratic Party Vice Chair

Paul Hillegonds, House Speaker

David Hollister, Mayor of Lansing

Mildred Jeffrey, Community Activist

Frank J. Kelley, Attorney General

Sister Monica Kostielney, President of the Michigan Catholic Conference

Robert LaBrant, Attorney and Vice President, Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Carl Levin, U.S. Senator

Lawrence B. Lindemer, Republican Party Chair

Conrad L. Mallett, Jr., Supreme Court Judge

Olivia Maynard, Democratic Party Chair

Bill McLaughlin, Republican Party Chair

Richard D. McLellan, Attorney

Dan Musser, II, Chairman, Grand Hotel

Gary M. Owen, House Speaker

Brooks Patterson, Oakland County Executive

Elly M. Peterson, Republican Party Chair

Douglas B. Roberts, State Treasurer

George Romney, Governor of Michigan:

Part I – Scott Romney

Part II – Walt De Vries

Joe Schwarz, U.S. Congressman

Bob Traxler, U.S. Congressman

Robert Vanderlaan, Senate Majority Leader

Robert Waldron, Former Speaker of the House

Eugene “Gil” Wanger, ConCon Delegate

Morley Winograd, Democratic Party Chair